Monday, May 7, 2012
Ok....So I know you are all dying to know what's going on in my life. Well...Let's begin on my birthday. I was pretty much feeling pretty crappy all day long but I chalked it up to not sleeping very well and being super stressed with Christmas, work etc. The next day something odd happened. I woke up and felt super sick, however after having some words with my toilet I was super hungry and the sickness went away. Yup...been here before. haha! I knew immediately what that little test would say. I pretty much spent the next couple of months (Yes...I did say months...) not really doing anything because I couldn't be to far away from the bathroom. But with as bad as constantly throwing up is, I was thrilled to be pregnant. For those of you who don't know, it took a pretty long time. After the miscarriage Randy and I took the doctors advice not to get pregnant for like 5 months, so after that time was up we began "trying." We had gone over 18 months and nothing. Now I know this is nothing compared to some of the people I know, but I had pretty much given up on getting pregnant on our own, after all...that wasn't a huge shock to me. Randy and I after much discussion decided that we were going to have one last summer of fun. He wouldn't be working his job anymore and we would have 3-4 day weekends every weekend for 3 months. We'd travel and do everything we ever wanted to. Then in August we'd talk to my doctor about starting fertility treatment. So of course that's when things actually happened. haha! We probably planned like 5 different vacations and they all fell through! Lords hand? Yup...I had no idea I would be limited on certain things in my life. To say this hasn't been the easiest pregnancy on my would be an understatement to say the least, but every time I feel my little lemon head (that's what Randy always called him) move I can't help but smile. So...major change in life number one...having a little boy in August. that's not all folks. I didn't actually want to say anything about this next change until I knew for sure everything had been approved, but since that approval happened today, I can officially say that after almost 5 years I am moving real estate brokers. This for me is probably the biggest change that I wasn't expecting. But certain things happened that lead to all this and I felt like this would be the best move. So as of June, I will be with Keller Williams, which I am super excited about. I've never been with a bigger brokerage and they have a lot of things to offer, so I will learn a ton and hopefully get a lot better in real estate. Oh...and for those of you who are curious, I am absolutely still working with the financial company (there have been a lot of changes with them too, they merged with Transamerica in Jan. which rocks!!) But that is why things had to be approved before the move could be official. My goal with all this is to substantially grow both business's. Oh...and I guess I can't say that all my vacations got trampled this year, we did unexpectedly book a trip (our last as a single couple) to Mexico...yup...7 days of laying on a beach soaking up the sun. And I'm sure there's a massage in my very near future. But I will post about all our adventures later as well as pictures. Sometimes I feel pretty overwhelmed with all the changes that are happening in the next couple of months but I am reminded that if nothing in life changes we wouldn't be able to grow and get better. So here's to change!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
~The Remodel Part 2~ I'm a huge slacker when it comes to keeping this thing updated. Mostly because I have had better and more important things to do then to try to think of something to blog about. And although I have multiple things to talk about, there's a part of me that is kinda done with the blogging world. But...I do kinda use this thing as my journal so I guess I should keep it updated. Over this last 4th of July weekend I conned my brother in law into helping me install hard wood floors. We've had the unfinished wood sitting in our garage for about 6 or 7 months now and I figured now is as good of time as any to get this project done. Not to mention the fact that I'm so ridiculously tired of looking at our nasty carpet it's insane. So...He hauled his family down and sold them as slaves to me for the next week. It's been a super long week and I'm glad to say that all the hard work is over...and it looks fantastic! It was totally worth it (mind you I didn't do all of the hard work, Shane did...). And I'm also happy to report that Randy and I are still happily married (mind you...he was at work the entire time so I didn't have to work with him...AKA no fights. haha!). Anyway...Here are some pictures since I know you are all dying to see them. :)

My Niece playing with the shop vac :)

The first layer of floor

Me telling Shane what to do (not really...I had no clue what to do)

Finally done laying the floor, and the glue takes like a week to come off!

Floor filled with fiberglass stuff to fill the holes

Sanding the floor to make it all smooth

The only work Randy really did on the floor haha! putting on the finish

Baseboards on...and dogs enjoying the slippery floor :)
The Before Pictures:
Pulling up baseboards/Carpet
Cleaning up with the shop vac
My Niece playing with the shop vac :)
The first layer of floor
Me telling Shane what to do (not really...I had no clue what to do)
Finally done laying the floor, and the glue takes like a week to come off!
Floor filled with fiberglass stuff to fill the holes
Sanding the floor to make it all smooth
The only work Randy really did on the floor haha! putting on the finish
Baseboards on...and dogs enjoying the slippery floor :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
~Year number three~
So I began this post a long time ago...but never got to really finish it. Mostly because of School, and other things. This April Randy and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary. And I have to say I love him more then I ever thought I could. Not to sound all mushy and stuff, but Randy really is my best friend. I couldn't think of anyone in this world being more perfect for me then that man! I'm not gonna lie...marriage is harder then one would think...the trials that two people face when combining their lives is crazy sometimes. But I wouldn't have it any other way! This anniversary was not at all what we were expecting...that saturday we got a phone call from Randy's mom, his uncle was in the hospital and was only given a 30% chance of survival. So I dropped off the kids (Dexter and Devlynn) at my mom's house and we headed up to Idaho. It was a pretty hard weekend, and we ended up staying up there for a night but after everything was said and done, Randy's uncle is nothing short of a miracle. After countless blessings and through the power of the priesthood he is looking to make a full recovery (which I'm really glad about!). But after we got back from Idaho, we did go out and celebrate our anniversary. We went to see Limitless (which I had been wanting to see for weeks...we had gone like 4 times to see it and either ended up seeing another movie, or it was sold out), and then we went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (yes...this is a anniversary tradition at this point...we have gone every year). And of a few weeks we'll leave to go on our traditional anniversary trip...which I'm super excited about! I'm so ready for the beach and the sun!!'s some flash backs from the best day of my life..and a few from before. So excited to see where the rest of our lives go together! I so love him!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
~Craziness~ I know you haven't heard from me in a while and let me tell you why...Life has been crazy. About 2 months ago we decided that Dexter needed a little brother, so low and behold here comes Devlynn. Pretty much having a puppy is way different then I remember and it's a lot of work. But I so love him! Then there is school...and let's not getting me started on my one class that is completely kicking my trash! I pretty much spend all of my extra time memorizing court cases, supreme court justices, or writing papers...or trying to forget those things I've memorized so I can memorize something else...Let's just's by far the hardest freakin class I've ever taken and although I'm studying my trash off...I can't seem to pull a consistent decent grade (Yeah..I go from f to a on pretty much ever test...). Oh...and then there's the Marathon training. I'm pretty much up to 4 miles (I can do more but 4 is good and what my schedule says right now) So when I'm not at work or school or studying or playing with the puppy/husband, I'm outside running. Can I just tell you how much I love this warm weather? I can't stand running on a treadmill and the snow freakin kills me. But the last 2 days have been absolutely marvelous to run! I can't get enough of it! And then there's work...ah yes...the thing I want to be spending most of my time doing. And I finally have a break in tests (there was a period of about 6 weeks, where every week I either had a test or a 6 page was awful). But for the next 3 weeks I don't have any tests/papers. So back to work I go. And I started this program to get my Marking Director promotion (of course I have finals in the middle of it) but it's going to be awesome. It's going to be super hard, but I'm so looking forward to it. I will basically get a pay raise where I'm getting paid double what I do now...which will be awesome. Last saturday it was spring break and Randy and I were able to do something fun...we went to the Real SL vs LA Galaxy Game. It was really good, but I have to say I was a little disappointed that my favorite player from LA wasn't playing, so of course REAL trampled them...which I was ok with. :) So...that's what I've been up to...what about you? Here's some pictures of my cute boys and the game.
So Tired
So ignore the crazy was dark, but I walked into my room and saw this and thought it was funny that Devlynn was cuddle up against Dexter. :)
So I tell Randy to not make a weird face and this is what I get...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
~Busy, Busy, Busy~
Yes...busy has been my life lately. Mostly it has to do with adding school on top of everything else...but I'm glad that I'm finally finishing my degree. This semester I'm taking 2 classes, I wanted to ease my way back into school, especially considering the fact that I haven't been in school, or written a paper in over 3 years. But my classes are going good. I'm taking a law and politics class (which has more reading then I think I've ever had before) and an accounting class (this is a prereq for my masters program). I really like accounting a lot and I actually feel like it's relevant to what I do ever day so that's good. I have a great professor for my law and politics class and it's quite fascinating to study the evolution of the world by court cases. So...that's my semester so far. And just recently I had another nephew born. His name is Maddux and he's the cutest little guy, except for my other nephew Gehrig of course. But actually, if you compare baby pictures, they look almost identical...the only difference is the shade of their hair. Maddux is blonder then Gehrig. And can I just tell you how funny Gehrig is? I love talking to him. He has such a great personality and that just makes him that much cuter. Saturday we went to go to dinner and we saw a train. I asked him what he thought of the train and he told me that it was really big. I asked him what he thought the train was carrying and he told me "coal for grandpa" and I told him that must be a lot of coal and he said "yeah...grandpa's been bad" So funny! Here's some cute pictures of my boys!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
~It's a New Year~
Holy crap its 2011 already. Seriously? Where did the last year go? The last little while I've thought a lot about the last year and how quickly it went by, and what I accomplished this last year, and I have to admit that I didn't accomplish all that I wanted to. And I think a big majority of it is because I didn't write my goals down. So as part of my job, I do a lot of reading motivational books, the majority of which are on mentality. And all of the books that I have been reading have said that in order to accomplish your goals, you have to write them down and read them daily. are some of my goals for 2011.
1. Paint my kitchen ( I did this one today, but I thought if I put it down it would make it look like I was already accomplishing something. haha)
2. Finish P90x is the next 85 days and eat healthy.
3. Become a Senior Marketing Director with WFG (this is a Branch Manager position)
4. Get good grades in school...oh...did I mention I'm going back to school? Yeah...not sure what I was thinking but it should be good. I'm going to finish my degree in Poli Sci and then go on to get a masters in Finance...I'm super excited about the Finance classes.
5. Run a marathon (hopefully in April, but this might not happen until closer to the end of the year)
So there are a few of my goals...yes...I do have more, but I'm not going to post all of them on here. I'm super excited for 2011 and the potential that is available to me. It's going to be a fantastic year! Wishing everyone a fantastic year!!
1. Paint my kitchen ( I did this one today, but I thought if I put it down it would make it look like I was already accomplishing something. haha)
2. Finish P90x is the next 85 days and eat healthy.
3. Become a Senior Marketing Director with WFG (this is a Branch Manager position)
4. Get good grades in school...oh...did I mention I'm going back to school? Yeah...not sure what I was thinking but it should be good. I'm going to finish my degree in Poli Sci and then go on to get a masters in Finance...I'm super excited about the Finance classes.
5. Run a marathon (hopefully in April, but this might not happen until closer to the end of the year)
So there are a few of my goals...yes...I do have more, but I'm not going to post all of them on here. I'm super excited for 2011 and the potential that is available to me. It's going to be a fantastic year! Wishing everyone a fantastic year!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
~Help~ I'm totally bored with my blog and am in need of a major change. So...those of you who have super cute customized blogs....Help me! I don't know how to do a custom blog so any info you can give me on how to do it would be fantastic. I'd like to do something with pictures of Randy and I scrapbook like...well..I'm not sure, but any ideas would be appreciated! :)
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