Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Soon I can stop lying about my age!

So...it's true! I totally lie about my age. Not on purpose by any means...but for some reason when anyone asks me how old I am I immediately reply "23". About an hour or so later, I realize, that I'm not 23...not yet anyway. Mostly I find this pretty funny, that it takes me so long to even figure out that I'm telling people the wrong age. Anyway, this last weekend to celebrate both my sister and my birthday, my family took a little family dinner at the cheesecake factory. MMM...I love the cheesecake factory. It was a ton of fun just hangin with the family. I don't get to see my nephew too much and it amazes me how much he's grown. He has such a little personality on him and it's just hilarious to watch...and take pictures because he loves the camera.
Randy, Rick and I goofing off...like normal.

"The Look" "The Face"

And just plain cute!


Jewls said...

Happy Birthday on the 20th!! I'll never forget your b-day cuz it's the same as Evan's, and the day before Shay's! WE need to plan a girls day during Christmas...I only get Christmas Eve and Christmas off, but we are going to come back after I work for a wedding on Saturday night. Let me know what you think!

Manda Jane Clawson said...

That is so fun! Happy Birthday :)