Thursday, June 18, 2009

~All In The Bones~ summer is hear, which means that the majority of shows are over and doing their re-run phase. As much as I love summer, this doesn't give me a heck of a lot to do when Randy is at work, and I'm at home. A few weeks ago, I let my sister-in-law borrow some of my TV on DVD, including Lost, and Supernatural. So...I figured it was time for her to return the favor. One of her favorite shows is Bones. So...having nothing else to watch on TV, and some of the seasons that I will watch not coming out til the end of the summer, I asked if I could borrow them. Well, I didn't know what I was getting into. I've seen a few episodes here and there but they've always been on when another show that I like was on. Well...I'm totally hooked. In like the last 2 weeks, I have finished the first 2 seasons, and unfortunately I don't know anyone with season 3, and I don't have any free money to buy it. But this show is SO good. It may be the fact that David Boreanaz is one of the main characters (who I secretly have a crush on...and is possibly one of the sexiest men I've ever seen...don't tell Randy!) or it may be the fact that the show is so entertaining. I'm gonna go with both. Either way, I'm going crazy not knowing what happens, and the online videos are only of season 4, which I don't want to watch until I've finished season 3. So...I'm just gonna have to break down and buy them (ow, ow...twist my arm). Anyway, if you're bored this summer and are looking for an entertaining show, Bones is definitely one of them, and you get some eye candy as a freebie. :)


Jess said...

I am totally addicted to Bones too!!! I got hooked watching them on Hulu. I can't wait for them to start again. :D I hope you can find season 3. :)

Jammie said...

LOVE the new picture!

Manda Jane Clawson said...

Netflix them! We catch up on all of our shows that way lol