Saturday, January 1, 2011

~It's a New Year~

Holy crap its 2011 already. Seriously? Where did the last year go? The last little while I've thought a lot about the last year and how quickly it went by, and what I accomplished this last year, and I have to admit that I didn't accomplish all that I wanted to. And I think a big majority of it is because I didn't write my goals down. So as part of my job, I do a lot of reading motivational books, the majority of which are on mentality. And all of the books that I have been reading have said that in order to accomplish your goals, you have to write them down and read them daily. are some of my goals for 2011.

1. Paint my kitchen ( I did this one today, but I thought if I put it down it would make it look like I was already accomplishing something. haha)

2. Finish P90x is the next 85 days and eat healthy.

3. Become a Senior Marketing Director with WFG (this is a Branch Manager position)

4. Get good grades in school...oh...did I mention I'm going back to school? Yeah...not sure what I was thinking but it should be good. I'm going to finish my degree in Poli Sci and then go on to get a masters in Finance...I'm super excited about the Finance classes.

5. Run a marathon (hopefully in April, but this might not happen until closer to the end of the year)

So there are a few of my goals...yes...I do have more, but I'm not going to post all of them on here. I'm super excited for 2011 and the potential that is available to me. It's going to be a fantastic year! Wishing everyone a fantastic year!!


Mindy said...

You can do all your goals! I'm excited for 2011 too!

Tanya said...

Awesome goals!! Good luck!!

Manda Jane Clawson said...

Wow you are super woman! Good luck with everything :)