I just love girls days! Saturday my mom called and wanted to go Christmas shopping but I had already made plans to play with the girls! Some of the girls from high school got together a few months ago and had a play day in Logan. However, one of our friends had just gotten back from a mission and wasn't able to make it. Me and Jessica decided that we should plan another fun day closer to where we live...Salt Lake! Yay! All week I was looking forward to playing with the girls and going shopping in Park City (which Aeropostal was having a great sale...I got a ton of new shirts). I think the plan was to eat dinner and then go back to Jess's apartment and watch a movie but like we can ever stop talking! Like Julie said...not everyone was able to make it...sad...but we had a great time reminiscing about the good times. We went to Chili's for dinner and told the waiter that it was Kristy's birthday so we could get free cake (she's the next birthday). As it started to get late, Julie, Tanya, and Steph had to leave...they live pretty far away. But I ended up staying for a little while. Well...a little while ended up being like 1am. It was crazy how fast time flew by while we were talking and catching up. I guess I should've expected it since everytime I talk to Jess it's like more then an hour when we only mean it to be 5 minutes. :) We had a great time but we sure did miss those who couldn't make it! :)
Looks like so much fun! It's so nice to get together with old friends once in awhile!
Laura!! I didn't know you had a blog!! (Yes I found it blog stocking.....)Love ya!
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